Building families for christ
Adult Sunday School Class meets downstairs at 9:30am every Sunday. Coffee and breakfast is provided. Currently studying the book of Genesis, this class is designed to help the leaders in the family build strong Christian homes.
Berean Baptist academy
Since 1975 BBA has been an educational ministry of the Berean Baptist Church and is designed and dedicated to providing quality k4-12th grade Christian education.
Children's church
The Primary Church for grades 1-3 and the Junior Church for grades 4-6 meet during the Sunday Morning Service.
fair ministry
One of our biggest soul winning opportunities of the year is at the Lenawee County Fair. Each year, thousands of people visit the tent, and several hundred hear the plan of salvation and trust Christ as their savior in the tent.
music ministry
The music ministries of BBC are designed to involve as many people as possible while maintaining standards of excellence and solid conservative principles. In addition to the choir, and the adult ensemble, there are several vocal and instrumental groups that minister in song.
Senior Saints Bible Study
Senior Saints Bible Study and Luncheon once a month on Thursdays at 10:30am at the church.. A time of singing and preaching precedes a lunch.
youth group
Teens are kept busy with several youth activities each month. Wednesdays, teens go soul-winning and minister to the nursing home. Summers include trips to camp, and youth conferences. Many of our teens help out on bus routes, in Master Clubs, sing in the choir, and assist in the junior churches.